Thursday, 1 September 2011

New Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Topic (Highlight a title or theme)
Discuss the role of branding the modern Olympic Games as examples of graphic design entering the main public consciousness.

Issues/questions to be addressed (clarify the main subject areas and present these in a formal manner as detailed as possible)
- I aim to investigate specific examples of modern Olympic Games branding, past and present, and discuss the importance of its role on a design level but also a cultural level.
- I will address the issue of the controversial reaction to the London 2012 Olympic Games brand/identity as a piece of graphic design entering the main public consciousness. Why do people specifically care about this piece of design? Who designed it and what was their thinking behind it?
- I aim to understand and subsequently compare successful past branding examples of the Olympic Games. E.g. Mexico ’68 and Munich ’72. Who designed them? How were they designed and what were they designed for? Why were they used for this purpose?
- I can also look into how this area of graphic design relates to communication theory and identify the semiotic values that specific examples hold.
- This should also be underpinned by a more historical chapter involving an overview of contemporary brand identity as it directly contributes to the appearance of the modern Olympic Games and how it is promoted and perceived by a global audience.

Method/Approach (What type of analysis do you intend to use? These may be combined provided you are able to present a clear rationale for doing so. Historical, sociological, semiotic, psychological, feminist, Marxist, multiculturalist, postcolonial, genre, popular culture etc and give the names of specific theorists of particular relevance. Discuss with tutor and use Level 2 bibliographies before submission of proposal form).
Historical - This type of analysis will help me understand where brand identity styles in the specific area of the Olympic Games have come from and where they are heading/ have moved to. I will also be able to look back and see how decisions made regarding the branding used across these global events at certain points in history reflected wider issues in society both locally and internationally.
Semiotic - A semiotic analysis of my chosen area of study will help me to dissect the information behind choices of logos/colours/typefaces that were made in regards to specific examples that I decide to investigate. Understanding the semiotics and communication theory behind the examples will enable me to produce an informed viewpoint on the branding for the Olympics and the reasons for it’s production and application.

Primary Sources of Information (To include libraries (other than LCAD), galleries, addresses of key contacts/sources, interviews, exhibitions, archives, collections, interviewees, case studies).
1. Description: Journals, articles, books archive at Leeds Met Library. 
Location: Leeds Metropolitan University Leeds.
2.Description: Interview with Wolf Olins design agency (via Skype).    
Location: 10 Regents Wharf, All Saints Street, 
3. Description: Personal photographs and merchandise of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Location: Taken in Beijing, China.

Books/Articles/Resources already located (minimum 6)
Please list these using academic conventions (Harvard System) where necessary.
Any proposal form without a minimum of 6 sources will automatically be returned as not approved!
1. Timmers, M, A Century of Olympic Posters, V&A Publishing, 2008.
4. Armstrong, H, Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.
5. Davis, M, More Than A Name (An introduction to branding) AVA Publishing, 2005.
6. Garfield, S, Just My Type: A book about fonts, Profile Books, 2010.

Relevance to main area of study:
Be specific and include any research already undertaken.
- After completing the second year of my degree I know that looking ahead to my final year that within my design practice I am aiming to develop more work for my portfolio based around brand identity. My dissertation title incorporates specific examples of this to analyse whilst giving me the chance to research more widely into the social, cultural and semiotic impact it can have.
- The following quote from Margaret Timmers was taken from the book
‘A Century Of Olympic Posters’ and provided some of the initial inspiration for this proposal: ‘Viewed from a historical perspective, Olympic Games posters provide a fascinating record of our world. As periodic snapshots through time, they offer a means by which we can explore links between sport and art politics and place, commerce and culture. They also reveal evolving iconography of the modern Games ranging from emblems of civic and national pride to those of aspirant internationalism and from official Olympic symbols to the identity of specific Games’
- I have recently bought the book ‘Graphic Design Theory’ which I am starting to read through. The variety of extracts covers content specific to what I’m writing about but also wider issues that could help me to take my research further.
-This dissertation will be an excellent chance to further my knowledge and understanding of branding and identity design which I have had growing interest in throughout my degree thus far - and then combine it with the subject of the Olympic games which is of great interest to me.

Perceived problems or difficulties: Please also enter here information related to academic support/dyslexia issues.  
- I’m not the most enthusiastic reader so I am concerned about how much reading and researching I need to undertake in order to underpin my dissertation.
-Planning the structure of my dissertation is something I may need help with so that the core of the topic remains tightly focussed throughout and I don’t wonder off subject.